Love, Joy, Peace...

As deacons, we will serve those in need in our congregation, our community and God’s kingdom with love and compassion. This is our witness to God’s love, mercy, and grace.

School backpacks - Using lists from Garden City Public Schools, at the start of every school year the deacons provide backpacks and school supplies for elementary, middle and high-school students.

Emergency food bags – For those who need immediate food support, food bags are available noon-3 p.m. Tuesdays. Bags include canned and nonperishable food. No appointment necessary; knock on church office door on John Hauk Street.

Holiday food – Each year at Thanksgiving, the deacons prepare boxes of food for families designated in need by our local school district. The boxes are delivered in time for Thanksgiving dinner.

Christmas wish tree – The families receiving Thanksgiving food are asked to provide Christmas wishes for the children in the family. We hang cards listing their wishes on our annual Wish Tree, and our community uses the cards to purchase gifts, which are delivered in time for Christmas morning.

Veteran remembrance – Throughout the year, we continue to remember our veterans at the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, in Detroit. We take many items of personal hygiene care and activities for them.

Health fair - Annual no-cost health screening provided by the Presbyterian Synod of the Covenant at Garden City Presbyterian Church.

Causes and organizations we support

  • John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, Detroit
  • Blum's Landing, a recreational resort for wounded veterans and their families
  • Hurricane relief in Florida